31. High school memories

Kat (Germany): My high school in Germany was really small, only about1 a thousand people, and it was a very close-knit2 community. In a German high school, there are students from ten years old to twenty years old, so it's a really nice family atmosphere.
Mike (Singapore): My high school, it's an international school. Students are from ... well, majority3 of students are from Asia, but we do have students from Europe and from the Americas, and I like the multicultural environment4. It's very nice.

Paul (England): My high school was a grammar school, which meant that5 we had to take an exam6 to get into7 it. It was also an all-boys school8. And it's quite a prestigious school within9 the area, due to10  the entrance exam11, so the academic level at the school is quite high. But also, with it being an all-boys school, there was very strong focus on sports.

Tim (United States): I went to a public high school, which is paid by local taxes12, so since13 I had kind of a wealthier town14, we had a nice school. There are a lot of art programs and technology programs and a lot of good teachers - not too many students there, only about a hundred and eighty students in my class.

Warren (Canada): Well, my high school was from Grade Eight15 to Twelve, so that would be about thirteen to seventeen. It was a fairly large16 school, mostly because17 there are so many grades, but each grade had a fair amount of students as well19. They weren't that well known for20 sports or the arts; they're more of an academic school, but we did have a pretty good track21 and field and we had some nice basketball courts22 as well. My favorite thing to do there was to play in the basketball courts.

Dani (England): Well, my high school, for me, kind of has two parts, because to begin with, when I entered my high school, it was completely different to when I left23. Because while24 I was there, they actually rebuilt24 it, so first, it looked kind of interesting25. There were lots of different buildings, different shapes26, different sizes. By the time27 I left, everything was kind of uniform and box-shaped28, and it looked terrible.


1.      About = aproximadamente
2.      close-knit = unida
3.      majority = maioria
4.      environment = ambiente
5.      meant that = significava que
6.      take an exam = fazer um teste
7.      get into = entrar
8.      all-boys school = escola somente para meninos
9.      within = dentro de
10.   due to = devido a
11.   entrance exam = exame de entrada (vestibular)
12.   paid by local taxes = pago por impostos locais
13.   since = uma vez que
14.   wealthier town = cidade mais rica
15.   Grade Eight = oitava série
16.   fairly large = bastante grande
17.   mostly because = principalmente porque
18.   fair amount of = grande quantidade de
19.   as well = também
20.   well known for = bem conhecido por
21.   track = pista
22.   basketball courts = quadras de basquete
23.   when I left = quando eu sai
24.   rebuilt = reconstruiram
25.   looked kind of interesting = parecia meio que interessante
26.   shapes = formas
27.   By the time = Na época em que

28.   box-shaped = em forma de caixa