7. Physical therapy is boring -- play a game instead

When I was growing up1, I really liked playing hide-and-seek2 a lot. One time, though3, I thought4 climbing a tree would lead to a great hiding spot5, but I fell6 and broke my arm. I actually7 started first grade with a big cast8 all over my torso9

It was taken off10 six weeks later, but even then, I couldn't extend my elbow11,and I had to do physical therapy to flex and extend it, 100 times per day, seven days per week. I barely did it12, because I found it boring and painful13, and as a result, it took me another six weeks to get better.

Many years later, my mom developed frozen shoulder14, which leads to pain and stiffness15 in the shoulder. The person I believed for half of my life to have superpowers suddenly16 needed help to get dressed17 or to cut food. She went each week to physical therapy, but just like me, she barely followed18 the home treatment, and it took her over five months to feel better.

Both my mom and I required physical therapy, a process of doing a suite19 of repetitive exercises in order to regain20 the range of movement lost due to21 an accident or injury22. At first, a physical therapist works with patients, but then it's up to23 the patients to do their exercises at home. But patients find physical therapy boring, frustrating, confusing and lengthy24 before seeing results. Sadly25, patient noncompliance27 can be as high as 70 percent. This means the majority of patients don't do their exercises and therefore27 take a lot longer to get better29

All physical therapists agree that special exercises reduce the time needed for recovery, but patients lack29 the motivation to do them. So together with three friends, all of us software geeks30, we asked ourselves, wouldn't it be interesting if patients could play31 their way to recovery32? We started building MIRA, A P.C. software platform that uses this Kinect device33, a motion34 capture camera, to transform traditional exercises into video games.

My physical therapist has already set up a schedule35 for my particular therapy. Let's see how this looks. The first game asks me to fly a bee36 up and down to gather37 pollen to deposit in beehives38, all while avoiding39 the other bugs. I control the bee by doing elbow extension and flexion, just like when I was seven years old after the cast was taken off.

When designing a game, we speak to physical therapists at first to understand what movement patients need to do. We then make that a video game to give patients simple, motivating objectives to follow. But the software is very customizable40, and physical therapists can also create their own exercises. Using the software, my physical therapist recorded herself performing41 a shoulder abduction42, which is one of the movements my mom had to do when she had frozen shoulder. 

I can follow my therapist's example on the left side of the screen, while on the right, I see myself doing the recommended movement. I feel more engaged and confident43, as I'm exercising alongside44 my therapist with the exercises my therapist thinks are best for me. This basically extends the application for physical therapists to create whatever45 exercises they think are best.

This is an auction house46 game for preventing falls47, designed to strengthen48 muscles and improve balance49. As a patient, I need to do sit and stand50 movements, and when I stand up, I bid51 for the items I want to buy. (Laughter)
In two days, my grandmother will be 82 years old, and there's a 50 percent chance for people over 80 to fall at least once per year52, which could lead to a broken hip53 or even worse54

Poor muscle tone55 and impaired balance56 are the number one cause of falls, so reversing these problems through targeted exercise will help keep older people like my grandmother safer and independent for longer. When my schedule ends, MIRA briefly shows me how I progressed throughout57 my session.


1.    growing up = crescendo
2.    hide-and-seek = “esconde-esconde”
3.    though = contudo
4.    thought = pensei, achei
5.    hiding spot = esconderijo
6.    fell = caí
7.    actually = na verdade
8.    cast = gesso
9.    torso = tórax
10.                   taken off = tirado
11.                   elbow = cotovelo
12.                   I barely did it = eu mal conseguia fazer
13.                   I found it boring and painful = eu achava chato e doloroso
14.                   frozen shoulder = inflamação do ombro (ombro congelado)
15.                   stiffness = Rigidez
16.                   suddenly = de repente
17.                   get dressed = vestir-se
18.                   barely followed = mal acompanhou
19.                   suite = conjunto
20.                   in order to regain = a fim de recuperar
21.                   due to = devido a
22.                   injury = ferimento
23.                   up to = depende de
24.                   lengthy = longo(a)
25.                   Sadly = infelizmente
26.                   Noncompliance = descumprimento
27.                   Therefore = portanto
28.                   take a lot longer to get better = leva mais tempo para melhorar
29.                   lack = carecer de
30.                   software geeks = nerds de computadores
31.                   play = jogar,brincar
32.                   recovery = recuperação
33.                   device = dispositivo
34.                   motion = movimento
35.                   has already set up a schedule = já estabeleceu uma agenda
36.                   bee = abelha
37.                   gather = reunir, coletar
38.                   beehive = colméias
39.                   while avoiding = enquanto evitando
40.                   customizable = personalizavel
41.                   performing = realizando
42.                   shoulder abduction = entensão do ombro
43.                   engaged and confident = envolvido e confidante
44.                   alongside = ao lado de
45.                   whatever = qualquer que, seja o que for
46.                   auction house = casa de leilões
47.                   for preventing falls = para prevenir quedas
48.                   strengthen = fortalecer
49.                   improve balance = melhorar o equlibrio
50.                   sit and stand = sentar e levantar
51.                   bid = oferecer um lance em um leilão
52.                   at least once per year = pelo menos uma vez por ano
53.                   broken hip = quadril quebrado
54.                   even worse = até mesmo pior
55.                   muscle tone = flexão muscular
56.                   impaired balance = diminuição do equilíbrio

57.                   throughout = por todo o(a)